Saturday, October 20, 2012

Just a bit about me...

Hi there and welcome to my blog Brisbane Backyard Naturalist.

I'm not a Brisbane girl born and bred. I actually grew up in North Western Sydney in the beautiful Hawksbury River region. I have lived in Brisbane for the past 10 years however and so consider myself a Queenslander. I live in and love Ironbark country now.

I have spent 5 years of my life studying conservation and ecology, so by training I'm a scientist. However by heart I'm a naturalist. I have never preferred flora over fauna or hydrology over geology. I have a well rounded interest in everything natural. I've worked in everything from soil and water testing to dune rehabilitation and environmental education.

I'm a full time mother of two children now, so I spend much of my time exploring local areas with my little ones. Therefore I also have a keen interest in the importance of nature connection in the lives of children.

So as I spend time exploring my backyard and the greater Brisbane and Ipswich region, I hope to increase my knowledge of local nature. I will use this blog to share my experiences and knowledge in the hope to inspire others to discover their backyards. I will also write about nature connection for both children and adults and anything else I feel is valuable and interesting along the way.

Enjoy :)

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