Thursday, October 25, 2012

Regurgitated Pellets

Some birds regurgitate their food in pellet form. I have always wanted to see this. I thought it would be near impossible to find these pellets. Like looking for a Magpie poo in a paddock, impossible! So it took me by surprise this past week, when I found some on the ground while searching for gumnuts. I was in surburbia, just out the front of an industrial complex in Ipswich.

Some birds regurgitate food which is indigestible. The pellet may contain bone, fur, or indigestable plant and seed remains. Many owls, hawks and eagles produce these pellets and I was aware of this. Though where I found these pellets just this week, I thought it highly unlikely that these pellets came from owls etc. I came home and did a bit of reading, to discover that Magpies and Currawongs also regurgitate pellets. From looking at the pellets this would most likely be a Magpie or Currawong, due to the size and content of the pellets. I would hazard a guess it's a Magpie. Magpies are far more common than Currawongs in this area. We notice an increase in Currawong numbers throughout Winter at our place. I rarely hear them call in Summer, as they head back up to the ranges near Toowoomba.

You always wanted to see what regurgitated bird food looked like right? :D

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